Presented Conference Papers (Selected)

  • Baldwin, P. & Ko, M. (December, 2015). Teaching Argumentation in an Introductory ESL Science Classroom. Presented at the National Science Teachers’ Association annual conference. Kansas City, MO.  icon-download 
  • Coppola, R. & George, M. A. (2015, April). Converging Communities of Practice: Promoting Equity through Iterative Collaboration. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.
  • Coppola, R., George ,M.A., & Goldman, S.R. (2013, June). Identifying and Responding to Struggle in Middle School Readers: A Design Based Research Classroom Perspective. Paper presented at Institute of Educational Sciences Reading for Understanding Conference Meeting, Washington, D.C.   
  • Goldman, S. R., Greenleaf, C., George, M. A., Marple, S. A., Emig, J., Brown, W., Cribb,G. & Ko, M. (2015, April). Challenges of Adaptations in RCTs of a Reading for Understanding Intervention. Snow (Chair), Variation in Program Implementation in Large‐Scale Randomized Controlled Trials: Analyzing and Addressing Implementation Challenges in Educational Settings. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.   
  • Greenleaf, C., & McIntyre, K. (2016, May). READI for Science: Yes, They Can! Presentation at National Symposium on Reading for Understanding, Alexandria, VA.  icon-download
  • Ko, M. & McIntyre, K. (December, 2015). Reading Informational Text in the Science Classroom to Construct Explanatory Models. Presented at the National Science Teachers’ Association annual conference. Kansas City, MO.  icon-download 
  • Lee, C. D. & Chambers, J. (May, 2016). READI for Literature: Yes, they Can! Presentation at National Symposium on Reading for Understanding, Alexandria, VA.  

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